
Creating and sustaining a startup is challenging, especially with the barriers to entry that exist in sectors like EdTech. We have heard from founders that it can be overwhelming to know where to start and how to navigate the ecosystem.

After input from different stakeholders in European EdTech, we decided to create a network acting as a gateway to the ecosystem where in particular early-stage founders can learn from each other and get support.

This project is created as a non-profit organization with minimal running costs to support the goal of lowering the barrier to entry into the ecosystem for EdTech startups & founders. On a strategic level we support the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education through empowering a diverse set of EdTech startups across the region.

Want to join the team?

We are passionate about the intersection between Education & Technology and in particular about creating a strong ecosystem that will help startups grow across Europe and globally.

This project is a community effort and we welcome any support. Feel free to contact us if you have particular areas where you want to contribute. You can also stay up-to-date with the Garage on our LinkedIn page.

Developed by

Hege Tollerud

Frank Albert Coates
Founder, EdTech Garage

15+ years global experience in corporate L&D/training, facilitation, digital marketing & innovation from Google. Active business angel and advisor. Based in Paris.

Hege Tollerud
Head of Community, Brighteye Ventures

15+ years experience in communication, community building, events and media in Norway, the UK and China. Formerly CEO of Oslo EdTech Cluster. Based in London.


Yasser Retayli

EdTech entrepreneur & co-founder of Kidiwe, helping teachers and schools organize school outings. Formerly sales manager with Gutenberg Technology and itslearning. Based in Paris.

Kevin Giorgis

Kevin is the CEO & Co-Founder of Wyblo an edtech Italian based startup, co-founder of EdTech Italia with 4+ years of experience in corporate and academic education. Based in Milan.

Kevin Giorgis

London Ambassador

Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut

JB is the founder & CEO of Music Hackspace. Composer/coder with 10 years researching digital creativity plus 10 years in Engineering and Product roles at Focusrite, ROLI & Cycling' 74. Secretary of the MIDI Association. Passionate about teaching music and creative technologies. Based in London.